(Based on a true story)
They stood backstage.
They stood in darkness, waiting for their turn in the spotlight.
They were terrified.
They weren’t scared of being onstage, they were enthusiastic 16
year olds.
They were scared of the shadowy figure in the corner.
Shadowy, yet strangely pale.
Strangely pale and lit by an eerie blue light.
Strange muffled sounds emanated from it at random intervals.
It was their teacher.
Their young, burgundy-haired teacher with a fair complexion.
Fair complexion on a good day, in the sunlight.
Now they suspected she was undead. Either Dracula or a genetically-modified-virus-caused-zombie.
The eerie light that lit her undead face was her Nokia.
The blue was Facebook.
They couldn’t see her Nokia in the inky darkness.
Just her face.
Her pale, mysteriously lit, blue, undead face.
The odd muffled sounds were suppressed giggles.
They thought she was having fits.
Evil, devious, undead fits.
She giggled at the amusing things her friend was saying.
Oddly they described this situation exactly.
“They must be terrified of you,” he said.
She giggled.
They cringed.
They did not know how this would end.
Suddenly she was before them, her glasses glinting in the phone
They hadn’t seen her move.
She came up close, so close that they could see the evil in her
She whispered hoarsely, “its time”
A few of them fainted.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the next act is slightly delayed for
technical reasons.”