Friday 31 August 2012

Bathrooms: Sting of Death

Apart from death by falling showerheads, bathrooms are made ever more dangerous by the invading critters.

Bees are one of these.
Now I do not fear bees. But I am creeped out by anything that can move faster than I can squish it.
And because I’m sure the universe is out to get me (specifically my toe, but me in general too) I’m convinced I would be highly allergic to bee stings.

All the windows and doors at home have thing wire meshing to keep out the bloodsucking mosquitoes and the bees, who have decided to build three separate hives in each balcony overhang.
I believe they intend to take over the house soon, invade our bodies and live our lives. If I start craving nectar, be warned.

At night the bees are attracted to light and try and invade the house. They do not succeed often.
But, unbeknownst to me, one managed to get into my bathroom through a space in the window frame, and like all devious creatures proceeded to hide itself and silently wait in the folds of the shower-curtain.

Not long after I found myself, naked, half wet, diving and ducking trying to avoid the recently emerged bee.

Being naked I could not escape.
The bathroom being locked, the bee could not escape either.
It seems bees who find a way in, never remember how to get out. Idiots!

Then followed a complicated dance between the bee and I, as I frantically tried to dry myself off, put on pants, and avoid being stung in sensitive places, which I swear the bee was aiming for.

I’m surprised I didn’t accidentally kill myself against another bathroom fitting.
The towel rack perhaps.
Recently it has been looking at me quite deviously.

But I soon solved the problem of the bee by switching off the bathroom lights, opening the door and waiting until it followed the light into the bedroom.
From there it could do as it pleased.

I would deviously leave my family to deal with it, while I…… would bathe.

The bee however decided that it would climb into the light fixture and partaaay.
It soon died from the heat.

I continued my bath in peace, not in the least marred by guilt.

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